Reverse Integer InterviewBit Solution
Problem: Reverse integer
Problem Description:
Reverse digits of an integer.
x = 123,
return 321
x = -123,
return -321
Return 0 if the result overflows and does not fit in a 32 bit signed integer
The approach is to extract the last digit of the number and push it to another number at the unit place.
For example, N = 123
Take R = 0 // To store reverse number.
Iteration 1:
Last_Digit = N % 10 = 3
N = N / 10 = 12
R = (R * 10) + Last_Digit = 0 + 3 = 3
Iteration 2:
Last_Digit = N % 10 = 2
N = N / 10 = 1
R = (R * 10) + Last_Digit = 30 + 2 = 32
Iteration 3:
Last_Digit = N % 10 = 1
N = N / 10 = 0
R = (R * 10) + Last_Digit = 320 + 1 = 321
Iteration 4:
N == 0; STOP;
Time & Space Complexity:
Time Complexity: O(N), N is the number of digits
Space Complexity: O(1)
Code in C++