Vowel and Consonant Substrings! - InterviewBit Solution
Problem: Vowel and Consonant Substrings!
Problem Description
Given a string A consisting of lowercase characters.
You have to find the number of substrings in A which starts with vowel and end with consonants or vice-versa.
Return the count of substring modulo 109 + 7.
Problem Constraints
1 <= |A| <= 105
A consists only of lower-case characters.
Input Format
First argument is an string A.
Output Format
Return a integer denoting the number of substrings in A which starts with vowel and end with consonants or vice-versa with modulo 109 + 7.
Example Input
Input 1:
A = "aba"
Input 2:
A = "a"
Example Output
Output 1:
Output 2:
Example Explanation:
Explanation 1:
Substrings of S are : [a, ab, aba, b, ba, a]Out of these only 'ab' and 'ba' satisfy the condition for special Substring. So the answer is 2.
Explanation 2:
No possible substring that start with vowel and end with consonant or vice-versa.
Solution Approach:
To count the substring starting with a vowel and ending with consonants, start counting consonants from backwards and whenever you encounter a vowel add the count of consonants so far to the answer.
For example, take
A = "ababb"
# Count Strings starting with vowel and ending with consonant.
let, i=4 -> current index (len(A) - 1)
, cnt=0 -> store the number of consonents visited
, ans=0 -> end result
i=4: A[4] = b // consonant
=> cnt = 1, ans = 0
i=3: A[3] = b // consonant
=> cnt = 2, ans = 0
i=2: A[2] = a // vowel
=> cnt = 2, ans = 2 ->(ans + cnt = 0 + 2)
Reason: Because with current vowel you can make cnt no. of string
i=1: A[1] = b // consonant
=> cnt = 3, ans = 2
i=0: A[0] = a // vowel
=> cnt = 3, ans = 5 ->(ans + cnt = 2 + 3)
Reason: Because with current vowel you can make cnt no. of string
Similarly, do the reverse for counting the string starting from consonants and ending with a vowel.
A = "ababb"
# Count Strings starting with consonant and ending with vowel.
let, i=4 -> current index (len(A) - 1)
, cnt=0 -> store the number of vowel visited
, ans1=0 -> end result
i=4: A[4] = b // consonant
=> cnt = 0, ans1 = 0
i=3: A[3] = b // consonant
=> cnt = 0, ans1 = 0
i=2: A[2] = a // vowel
=> cnt = 1, ans1 = 0
i=1: A[1] = b // consonant
=> cnt = 1, ans1 = 1 ->(ans1 = ans1 + cnt = 0 + 1)
Reason:Because with current consonant you can make cnt no.of string
i=0: A[0] = a // vowel
=> cnt = 2, ans1 = 1
Result: ans + ans1 = 5 + 1 = 6
Time & Space Complexity:
Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity: O(N)
Code in C++
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You can optimise for space for isVowel(256) . You can use custom created functions to check for vowel or consonants something like this:
bool isVowel(char ch)
return (ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' ||
ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' ||
ch == 'u');
// function to check consonant
bool isCons(char ch)
return (ch != 'a' && ch != 'e' &&
ch != 'i' && ch != 'o' &&
ch != 'u');
Hello, I did'nt get why you have used this expression cntConsnt[i]=cntConsnt[i+1] . could you please specify it.
It was helpful thank you. But, can you explain the approach more clearly.